Our Innovators

Stabilizing Childcare Workers Incomes through Care Matching '

Implementing a secure, scalable, accessible, and accountable child care platform in English and Spanish that matches families needing care with unionized family child care providers so they can remain open.

Strategy: Technology Product


Project Details

Worker Target: Family Child Care Providers (FCCPs) and Parents

Innovation Fund Cycle: Fall 2020

Status: Winner,

Organization Type: Nonprofit Organization,

Stage of Development: Scale,

What We're Asking:

  • What do families most value when finding child care that meets their needs? What do FCCPs and parents need at each stage of the search and matching process to successfully enroll, and how many families referred by Carina enroll with an FCCP? How can Carina be most effective in our role of enabling institutions (unions, businesses, health care institutions, public employers, etc.) to support their workers more holistically such as addressing the child care needs of their employees so they can work?